24 May 2020

The first battle of WW3 has begun

I belong to a race that I may or may not believe is superior; my civilization is the perhaps ideal or not; governance of my nation is close to perfect or maybe far from it; people live in surreal harmony or as decreed by hierarchy. Whatever my nation is, it has enough land to be self sufficient and enough people to be productive or wage war. So when and how do I become the model state on earth. It is simple, I want the power of being the supreme state among mankind's nations and I will grab it whatever way I can. 

The western powers that created the steam engine owned the Industrial Revolution and defined the world order for centuries to follow. They held on to this mantle of supreme power more and more innovation came forth - in finance and markets, in electronics, in computing, in communication, in medicine and in artificial intelligence. I call this leadership in the Newtonian Realm. Then something came along where the western powers starting losing the grip - it was when technology of quantum world caught up with the science. China stole, copied, improved and innovated in this realm. They are the upcoming race / nation that seeks supremacy. And they declared the war on the world without saying a word.

But who did they declare was against? The established western dominion - no way! China is not stupid to wage war against the west that pays it the most money. It is the same west where they hold their largest investments. They simply need to take control of almost all resources (i.e. land) and tame energy. So who are their principal enemy?

Let's take a step back here and look at the kind of leadership that is running China, what have they learnt and how do they operate. China was always a collection of feudal provinces, ruled by a single monarch with "Tianmeng" (Mandate of Heaven). It changed into communism that united China's warring tribes under one Flag. But there is a subtext there - the Han ethnic race forms almost 92% of the population of China but Mandarin (boosted by Simplified Chinese language by CPC) was spoken by only 71% of Chinese. Centralized power of communism ushered in the wave of standardization in the name of "One China" unification - an idea they wanted to use for achieving their fascist ideals. {Oxford dictionary defines fascism as "an extreme right-wing political system or attitude that is in favour of strong central government, aggressively promoting your own country or race above others, and that does not allow any opposition."}. Communist Party of China left principles of communism back in 1978 during Deng Xiaoping's days ("Under socialism, there can also be a market economy"). 

If you are no. 2 by a distant margin and possibly a lone wolf - how would you defeat a bigger rival with large number of supporters. Lao Tzŭ articulated the fundamental philosophy of Tai-Chi when he wrote, "The soft and the pliable will defeat the hard and strong." You never fight the No.1, you allow him to destroy himself in an attempt to hurt you (Feminine Yin defeats Masculine Yang). This martial art philosophy found the tactics of execution in communist thinking of Marx and Lenin - the idea of subversion. Understand how it operates in this beautiful video by an ex KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9TviIuXPSE

In short, China used characteristics of democracies to weaken them.

So what is China's plan of global domination and owning all resources (including energy and money)? Let's come from the final state till today and then go into history, opposite to the direction of time.

  1. Move into Masculine role and organize the world into two spheres of Yin (Non-Chinese as female) and Yang (Chinese race as Male) - as decreed in Mandate of Heaven. To get there -
  2. Defeat the Power No. 1 on earth controlling most resources at that time in future. To do this -
  3. (Don't) Declare war and remove the old aging behemoth power of today and take over its source of power (technology) through Tai-Chi + Communist Subversion. Before that -
  4. Secure your land and people - food, water, healthcare, financial well being, education and good standard of life. In this process, become the No. 2 or 3 you need to be to declare war. But how do you know what will succeed, you first need to -
  5. Identify the philosophy, learn from the past mistakes and anoint the leadership with Mandate of Heaven

Let us go in reverse order (the normal direction of time) and understand how we are in the middle of step 3 (the undeclared World War 3 that has begun).

5. "A Century of Humiliation" is the patriotic Chinese narrative that says China was weak that is why Britain could come in and infect it with Opium (China was sick man of Asia) and even Japanese could rule it. They have the National Humiliation Day when Japan defeated it on 18 September 1931 (Refer: https://www.thechinaagenda.com/sep-18-2020-national-humiliation-day/). “Never Forget National Humiliation, Join up for National Rejuvenation”. Weakness is the sin and Power is the Justice, and China would have it at whatever cost. Then come along Marx followed by Lenin that gave China the weaponise-able tool is was searching for. But Communism failed in the nation where it had one of its founder, in Lenin's USSR. The western principles of democracy and freedom were at fault, but who gained? What is that power that can defeat China's ultimate weapon and break up the largest nation in the world? Let's see:
Simple isn't it - Communism was defeated by the "Opium of the People", one religion in particular known as Islam.

Did it happen elsewhere as well in another massive country? Yes, just 2 years before Communist China was born it happened to Bharat. Look at it here:
Islam had won that time too. This was the real enemy communist China has to defeat, while pushing the old bully of the West to kill itself (Tai-chi philosophy implemented by communist-led subversion) and redeem China of its humiliation.

4. The sick man of Asia needed to survive and grow strong. It failed miserably in its endeavours till they again copied the concept of capitalism from the west. But they were careful not to let freedoms and democracy to come in. It worked and they saw the growth they were seeking. They annexed the largest source of fresh water other than Arctic and Antarctic - Tibet as it was next door. It controls the currently democratic Mongolia by buying over 90% of its exports.

They first secured the Atomic Bomb and got the Veto power at the security council. They started selling everything they could make and the blind consumerism of the west brought them huge profits. They bought over every natural resource they could to manufacture everything that sells. Suddenly the CPC is the international monopoly that could Veto any military move against it. They made sure they attained the standard of life ad reserves to fight a long drawn war.

3. They began sowing the seeds of subversion in the power that humiliated them - the west. Every democratic nation fell to the subversion of the KGB, something which was replicated and scaled brilliantly by the CPC. They tried and tested destabilizing each country by various movements - all described in Yuri Bezmenov's video. Perhaps they have a desk to destabilize each constituent state of all other countries.

Sadly, their true enemy exploited this and kept growing stronger. In fact, while China consolidated material resources and followed "One Child Policy" to control expenditure of what it earned, Islam outpaced every other demography feeding itself on snatching / alms from the rich.

What can kill your enemy manpower without waging war - chemical and biological warfare. Collateral manpower loss is acceptable if material wealth increases. In comes SARS-Coronavirus-2, also known as Covid-19. from China. It pushes the west into a survival mode by putting their economies in recession and eventually governments and western society cuts down spending on cutting edge research - its weapon of domination. This is where we are headed.

If by chance the west comes out of the crises - it power is reduced; WHO, United Nations, Security Council, World Bank and IMF fade into a thing of the past.

2. The (un)declared war on the world isolates the west and in the vacuum comes in the true enemy to fill the gap. Loosely centred around the Organisation for Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Islamic countries suddenly take centre stage with the largest population and land area under its control. Its economies are not as affected as the west and they are looking for new buyers of their natural resources. It's a win-win for both but strictly for business. Perhaps the Islamic world gets a unifying leader or maybe not, the final conflict is certain. Both have the goal of ultimate power for global domination - Islam with the animal instinct need and Chinese with the fear of being humiliated again by another power to its west (middle east). How this phase will play out is something we need to wait and watch, but the most probable course is a small conflict blowing out into a full scale global war. That is something China can easily win, even if the weakened west intervened (after itself fighting Islam for centuries).

1. The final phase would be most ruthless, as it subjugates basic human nature itself - eliminate the yin and all is peaceful in the rigid power structure of yang. Islam would come back in full force - using jehadis, using nuclear weapons and using its intelligence - almost all of it held by Pakistan. They have already begun the process of colonizing Pakistan through CPEC as a pre-emptive move.

The advanced mathematics (which is stalled for decades) and sciences that lead to tangible technologies are being pursued vigorously even today in total secrecy. They are creating the "holy grail" of future power - something other's won't be able to pursue given their lack of ownership of resources, lack of money and lack of freedom. The language of power, growth and knowledge would be Simple Chinese - Mandarin. The vengeance for humiliation would be over.

Where do we fit in as Indians? We are geographically in the centre point of Beijing to Mecca: New Delhi to Beijing is 3778 km while Delhi to Mecca is 3830 km. Crush the rebellions of both Islam and Communists. We stay focused, we stay put and become what we were and what we truly are - embodiment of the human spirit that seeks the right questions for divine intelligence to answer. Like always, we live Sanatan Dharma in land of Bharat.